
Sunday, August 14, 2011

~~~Sunday Shadows~~~

This afternoon, Joe and I were sitting in the living room and I noticed that the SUN was trying to come out, (after a night and day of torrential downpours). I noticed that there were some NEAT shadows on some of the objects in the room. So, I got the camera and took a few shots! Hope you enjoy! The first image is my LARGE jar that was a gift from my son!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite blue and white jar!
 Another jar with some neat sticks from Pier One.
The edge of the rug in the dining room.
 The credenza in the living room.
 A p[late in the credenza.
Hope you had a GREAT weekend! Thanks so much for stopping by! XO, Pinky


  1. Pinky, I'm loving all the blue and white. I'm your newest follower and hope you visit me soon, too.
    Helen of Helen's Decor

  2. Helen, I tried to go to your blog but can't find one!!???? Can you give me a link? Hope you see this as I didn't see an e-mail address either. Hope you come back!!!! Pinky

  3. Hi there,
    Thanks got visiting Pinky.
    The problem lies with a bandwidth limit. We live out in the country and there is no cable or dsl.
    We rely on satellite. We are paying the top tier, however sometimes we manage to go over their limit.
    If we do, then they penalize us with dial-up speed.
    Very frustrating!

  4. Your shadow pictures are lovely...... lucky you having rainy cloudy days!

  5. Hi Pinky, I love them. I especially love evening shadows on the grass.

    A great post...I enjoyed it.

    Barb ♥

  6. Aren't shadows wonderful! How fun to capture them too.

  7. Pinky,
    These are amazing!!! Isn't it fun to experiment with our camers??? Thank you for sharing these photo snapshots with us!

  8. I love how you captured the play of light and dark shadows...especially those Pier One sticks look beautiful... Nice shots! Thanks for your sweet comment and the info on those pillows...I loved those pillows,they are so unique and pretty. Yeah I agree with you... things in Burlington,once you like 'em you have to grab 'em otherwise next time they are gone!It is pouring over here as well since Sunday. Have a wonderful week!~Poppy

  9. I love all your shadow pictures. I did one of those last Spring I think, just something about shadows and the way they dance across things... I know you adore your teapot as much as I do mine..hugs ~lynne~

  10. Pinky, you always find beauty in your world.
    I love that about you.

  11. I've always been amazed by shadows, even as child... Yours are so pretty and interesting... Do you ever wonder if its one of your angels sheding light on something they want you to notice? I do...


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky