
Monday, May 14, 2012

~~~The POD is FILLED!!!~~~

 Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a beautiful Mother's day! We are still plugging away so I thought I would show you the "filling of the POD":):) POD stands for Portable on demand storage, in case you didn't know. They bring the POD to your house, you fill it, then they store it til you are ready and deliver it to the new house!!! This is exactly what we needed.
 We started out putting some shelf units that Joe had built in first, then packed things in them and on them.
 All those plastic bins (20 of them) are train cars, in their individual boxes.
 Joe's cousin, Pat came to help us last Sunday.
 This is the armoire from the guest room. It is FILLED.

 These are shots from today. Dave helped us til he and Tracy went to see his Mom, then Joe and I finished.
 It is kind of like putting a puzzle together, trying to fit things in EXACTLY so they don't move or shift.
I wrote on each box what is in it and where it goes in the new house. Hopefully that will make things alot easier and more organized:):)

 This is the last picture I got but now it is filled, to the edge. I packed almost every single box in there. I didn't count but am guessing about 200 or more.
We also got 7 rooms painted this week. It is exhausting but we have our "eye on the prize". It is hard to make a decision about every single thing you own, whether you want to keep it or donate it or just get rid of it. We are probably too old for this but we keep on going:):) Hope you are enjoying the journey with us.
I will post this with these parties and hope you will find some fun, inspiration at them too. Thanks so much for your visit. And for the encouragement and support you give me!

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Motivated Monday at Be Colorful
Making the World Cuter Monday at Making the World Cuter
More the Merrier Monday at DIY Home Sweet Home Project
Savvy Homemade Monday at Home Savvy A to Z
Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tutorials and Tips Tuesday at Home Stories A to Z
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style
It's A Party on Thursday at A Creative Princess
Show and Share on Thursday at Southern Lovely
Open House Party Thursday at No Minimalist Here
Share Your Creations on Thursday at Kristen's Creations
Remodelaholic's Anonymous on Friday at Remodelaholic
Addicts (not so) Anonymous on Friday at Addicted 2 Decorating
Inspiration Friday at At the Picket Fence
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Potpourri Friday at 2805
Saturday Nite Special at Funky Junk Interiors
Sew Darn Crafty Sunday at
Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and Dreaming

Love to you all, Pinky


  1. Woo Hoo! Y'all are moving right along! 7 rooms? Wow, I'm so impressed and the POD looks like that must have taken some time. I am enjoying going on this journey with you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Hi Pinky, I'm not sure what I did... but here I am... oh my gosh this is so frustrating... I've asked and asked for help and don't get it.....
    I know you're totally overwhelmed with all you have going on.. what fun it's going to be the day you move into your new home, have they broke ground yet???? Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.. hugs ~lynne~

  3. PODS are great! It's definitely like putting a puzzle together. Is the new ready?

  4. WOW Pinky you guys are work horses. I can't believe how much you have done already.

  5. Looks like you are getting a lot of things done!...It's hard work and sometimes a little sad...sad that you are leaving a home you put your heart and soul into...but around the corner a new home is waiting for you to place some beautiful memories in!!...don't work too hard!

  6. Pinky,
    You are really making progress, dear friend!!! When you've completed all the painting and the packing and the staging...please...take a rest!!!

  7. HOly Mackerel! This looks like serious work. You will have to keep us posted about how the POD works out. I am considering one.

  8. Wow Pinky- you two get the award for most ambitious!! I can hardly imagine painting 7 rooms in a week!! You are in hyper drive! The pod looks like an excellent idea! Looks like mothers day was a work day! (Happy Mothers Day!)

  9. Exhausted just reading about it! BUT - it is nice to go through everything. I could use some dejunking even though I feel like we are always trying to do that. Good luck!

  10. Yeah!!!! I know it is hard work, but think how great it will all be when it is done!! Then the moving in will be so easy!! You are awesome!!! Keep up the good work!

  11. Wow! You sure know how to get some work done! It makes me tired just reading about it! Good luck with your continued efforts.

  12. Pinky, so much work, but it will be worth it, once you get moved and settled into your new place.

  13. pods are so wonderful!!!!Looks like you all are very organized. A lot of work, but looks like you two are getting so much done.
    Take care and don't lift heavy!

  14. That has got to be the most organized move I have ever seen! Unbelievable! At least you will be able to find things once you get there. Good-luck with everything, I'll be following along on GFC

  15. Pinky,

    This amazing. I have never thought of using POD stoage before. What an organized way to store.


  16. Best wishes on your new adventure! Moving is so exhausting and exciting, all at the time! I wish you much happiness in your new home =)

  17. Pinky~ I wish I had invented the concept of PODS! All those boxes of trains in boxes~ what a labor of love! I think part of what is so exhausting about packing & moving is the decision making about what to save and what to let go. Hope you get some R&R soon :)

  18. Hi Pinky,
    I've read from newest all the way back to here.
    It all brings back memories from when we moved after 27 years in the same house. I was still working at the time, so I had to do it all after work and on weekends.
    I hate to tell you this, but you will probably never use half the stuff you are taking! I got rid of most of my furniture, and what I did take didn t stay too long. It just didn't go with a new house.
    I still have boxes in the garage I never unpacked, and it is 10 years!
    Good luck with it all, I get tired just thinking about it!


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky