
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

~~~Hydrangeas in new vase!!!~~~

Good afternoo! We had a shwing at the old house today so had to go over, turn all the lights on, blow the driveway and decks etc. I brought some clippers over so I could cut some hydrangeas. There are 10 bushes so lts of flowers are JUST starting to bllom. I will be cutting them as they progress too. Hope you enjoy.
 I got this rattan wrapped vase last year but hadn't used it yet. I made a little vignette on the counter, but will probably move the flowers later. Things move around sometimes:) The little clay gardening girl has been around for MANY years. She makes me smile.
 I love the saying on this piece.
 And, I do believe in tomorrow.
 These flowers will be a beautiful blue soon.
 Joe cut a rose off of our Mr. Lincoln rose bush. The color is so pretty and it smells as good as it looks! Added bonus.
 It has POURED rain around here all day so you can see the rain drops on the rose.

Just a short little post to share some pretty with you:) XO, Pinky


  1. Just beautiful...
    Hoping you sell your house soon...we are trying to sell ours, trouble is... 4 realtors have brought couples by in 6 weeks. Gotta have more people than that to sell it.

  2. They are such beautiful flowers!

  3. Stunning flowers! The vase makes me think of the old, traditional, glass lobster pot bouys with hand woven protecting nets we used to use.


  4. So beautiful..Love the pretty vase...:):)

  5. Beautiful hydrangeas Pinky! I would have to go over and cut blooms on a regular basis! We are getting lots of rain, I shouldn't complain but I would like some sunshine.

  6. Wonder how much it would cost to FEDEX some to me? They are beautiful, Pinky. Mine are also just beginning to bloom, but they are new plants so I won't have your lushness
    for a long time. sending love...

  7. Pinky, Don't you dearly love hydrangeas... especially when they are just starting to bloom.
    Miss you so much! Let's hope this showing is THE ONE!

  8. Just simply lovely Pinky. I love hydrangeas!

    No luck with our condo yet either. I think we will stay there when we go for my class' big 70th birthday party in a couple of weeks. Don't really feel up to it right now, but the guys are begging us to be there. I figured why not stay at the one is buying the condo anyway.

  9. Love the flowerers, love the vase!!!!! Gorgeous Pinky!

  10. Japan is also the rainy season.
    It is surrounded by a lot of hydrangea.
    Hydrangea temple also exists.
    Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky