
Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2015!!!

I thought I would share a few shots from our Christmas. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We sure enjoyed being with our sweet Girl, Colleen! I got her a stuffed Rudolph and I think she liked it:):)
 Opening some other presents.
 Getting CANDY from her stocking! Candy is the ONLY thing she asked for, and after she got it all out was perfectly content with just that:)
 Her candy loot:)
 A Princess dress from Mommy and Daddy.
 Another Princess dress. She probably had 5 or 6 outfits on that day:) You can see one of her new snow boots too;)
 We got to swing outside with no jackets on Christmas!!! It was 70 degrees and muggy!
 Daddy, Colleen and Mommy!
 All together before the gang arrived:)
 Christmas dress from Gigi. It has a black sweater too but she didn't need that!
I have tons more pictures and am posting them on Facebook if anyone wants to see more:) Have a great week and soon we will be in a new year!!!
XO, Pinky


  1. It's always great to have children around at Christmastime and the adorable expressions on your granddaughter are precious! You have a lovely family! Thanks for sharing!

  2. She is the cutest. Looks like a fabulous Christmas.

  3. Hi Pinky! Such a beautiful family - your granddaughter is such cutie and growing up so fast. Looks like you had the perfect Christmas! Jane

  4. Pinky,
    Your granddaughter is growing too, too quickly, dear friend!!!
    Thank you for sharing photos of Colleen Victoria with us!!!

    1. I am happy that you enjoy them, Pat. She IS growing up way too fast!! Happy new year!!

  5. You have a beautiful family! By the looks of all of the smiles, I am sure that you all had a wonderful time. Now you can cherish all of those sweet memories for years to come. Have a blessed New Year!

    In Christ,

    1. Hi Paula, thanks so much for your visit to my blog and the sweet comments. Our little graddaughter is the light of our lives. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and I wish you a very happy new year!!!

  6. Looks like very special memories were created that day!!!...So glad you had a very Merry Christmas...Children just make it even more special!

  7. What a sweetie, she's adorable! Nothing like the joy of Christmas on a child's face.
    Wishing you a happy and blessed new year!

  8. So cute girl! It's so happy to enjoy Christmas with all family members.

  9. Happy New Year to you and your family. Coleen is such a cutie. Looks like a great Christmas for all. xo

  10. Looks you all had a great C'mas, specially that adorable Little girl and she looks like a princess in her dress.
    Wow, you sure had great weather too!
    Happy new year and many blessings.

  11. She is absolutely adorable, and so pretty! That dress is perfect on her!


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky