
Monday, January 25, 2016

A Warm White Winter Welcome!

I did a new vignette on the credenza that you see entering the house. I am keeping to a snowy winter theme here too. I love this wreath with bird candle holder. I have an LED candle in it with a timer so it comes on every night.
 I used a snowy pinecone garland on a snowy white runner.
 Mercury glass votives cast a pretty glow too.
 Plain and snow covered pine trees line the back of the credenza. 2 pretty smelling candles also burn at night.

 These pretty white swans came from Longwood Gardens a few years ago.

 I love the detail on the candle holder.

 I hope if you come in you feel the welcome I want you to feel.
We survived the blizzard. LOL. They just plowed our driveway Sunday night so we will be able to get out. I got ALOT done this weekend: I am still doing my organizing and purging/donating that I want to get done this month.  I hope you are all OK after the storm! I am SO grateful that we did not lose our power! Have a beautiful day everyone!!!
XO, Pinky
I will be sharing here:
Dixie Delights - Share Your Style
Our Home Away From Home - Tuesday at Our Home
The Dedicated House - Make it Pretty Monday
Savvy Southern Style - WOW Us Wednesday
DIY By Design - Fall Into Fall


  1. Pinky,
    A warm wintry welcome is indeed felt at your Entry, dear friend!!!
    I, too, love the candle holder with the wreath and the cardinal!!!
    So~o~o glad that you and Joe are fine after the Blizzard of 2016!!!
    It's always good to keep busy. . .and to donate to others!!!
    Sounds as if you're making great progress in both areas!!!

  2. The bird in wreath candle holder is so pretty. Love it. This is how I enjoy winter scenes, in vignettes!

  3. A wonderful wintry entry. I love the candle holder, truly unique and beautiful. Happy to hear you survived the storm. Wow, that is a lot of snow. Staying busy inside is a good thing, keeps you safe. Thank you Pinky for linking up to our Table It party on Sundays. xo

  4. Very pretty table arrangement! I love ivory and winter white during the cold months. Our snow is I hope yours is also. Sheila

  5. Beautiful, Pinky! I'm trying to keep a winter theme going, too. I love everything you have going on---you are the expert in vignettes!! :)
    The candle holders are so pretty!


  6. Your snowy vignette is stunning, Pinky....Christine

  7. A very beautiful winter welcome on the table...Hope you are done with the snow for a while!

  8. Beautiful! I love winter white, such a classy look!
    Have a great week, Pinky!



Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky