
Thursday, February 11, 2016

ANOTHER Something New at the Bar!!!!!

I shared  when Joe built our bar, when he added real stone to the bottom and then when we added the stone WALLPAPER to the wall. Yes. that really IS wallpaper and  even people who are standing right next to it have to touch it to make sure it is wallpaper!!! If you would like to see the original posts of the bar you can see them here:  Now there is another something new!!! When he first built the bar he decided to buy some tap handles to display which beers he had for our guests to choose from. This is the original set up for the tap handles.
 Well, he now has QUITE a collection!!! He actually painted this wall, installed the electric switch, hung the shelf and added the tap handles and lights while recuperating from his hip replacement!!!! You can NOT keep that man down!
 He got this idea at a place we frequent up near Strasburg, Pa.

 And he couldn't stop there so we also have 2 MORE shelves of them across the room!

 We kind of have a little tribute to our Dads on the stone wall. This is Joe's Dad, he was a pilot in WW2 and then after the war as his career. I really miss him, he was such a fun guy!!!
 My Father was an artist. My maiden name was Martini, so he did this of his hand and my Mom's holding Martini glasses. I miss him too, even though I don't really remember him: he died when I was 4.
 He did not sign a lot of his work so this is a real treasure to me.
 I thought I would include a shot of the stone under the bar for those of you that missed it.

 This is a drawing of a stained glass window that a neighbor is going to make for Joe. The blue squares that you see are tape, holding the bottles etc. onto the paper....they are not part of the design:)
Thanks for your visit. I am longing for Spring. We got some more snow yesterday and it was absolutely GORGEOUS this morning. Every branch of every tree and bush looked like God painted them with snow. I wish I could have gotten a picture to share with you.
XO, Pinky
I will be sharing here:
Dixie Delights - Share Your Style
Our Home Away From Home - Tuesday at Our Home
The Dedicated House - Make it Pretty Monday
Savvy Southern Style - WOW Us Wednesday
DIY By Design - Fall Into Fall


  1. Wow, talent runs in your family, Pinky. I love your father's drawing. Joe did a fabulous job with his bar. I bet he makes great drinks, too.

  2. Now that is a man cave! What a beautiful room! I love artwork that has meaning to it, not just something bought at the store. Love the idea of collecting taps and displaying them like that. I think I know what my husband's next collection is going to be.... or maybe mine. Beautiful job!

  3. I'm so glad you shared this, Pinky. Joe is unstoppable ;-)

  4. I love it all, Pinky. It is a wonderful bar full of memories.

  5. Pinky,
    Joe has done an amazing job with the bar!
    Happy Valentine's Day to one of my favorite Blog Land couples!

  6. Well, it is a good thing that he is collecting those amazing beer he can accompany you into antique shops looking for them while you shop....Happy Valentine's Day to you two!!!....and I hear it is 8 degrees there?!!! Oh my!...

    1. Thanks, Shirley. Joe is buying the taps on Ebay mostly. He has NO patience to go looking in stores for them!!!! Had a very nice Valentine's. Hope you did too!!!

  7. Joe is so talented and so industrious. Lucky you! My husband cannot hang a picture, lol. Your bar looks so neat, love the display that Joe just built and I love the stones.....Christine

  8. Wow that bar is a beauty! Your husband did a great job! I just love that wallpaper...

  9. awesome! i loooove all the taps around the top. we bring home an empty bottle of beer from all our travels that we then display around the bar. it used to be wine, but i never wanted to drink it b/c it was my souvenir!

  10. What a cozy little place! Charming :)


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky