
Friday, February 5, 2016

Easy, Peasy and Delicious Baked Ziti

My neighbor had surgery last week so I told them I would bring dinner over one night. They requested Thurs. so I made 2 pans of Ziti, one for them and one for us. I used to make my own sauce all the time but we found THIS sauce that we just LOVE! So, I will show you how I put this together. I put one jar of the sauce in the pan. I had cooked one pound of ground beef for the 2 pans so then added 1/2 of the ground beef to the sauce and mixed it together. Then I added half of the container of ricotta cheese to the pan.

 I use the part skim ricotta.
 And this is the sauce; Classico Italian sausage.
 The 2 pans partly put together.
 I added the cooked ziti and stirred it all together which distributes the ricotta. I then added another jar of the sauce: half of it in each pan.
 Then I added a bag of shredded mozzarella to the top and baked it. I recommend baking it for 20 to 25 mins. covered with foil then 25 mins. uncovered. I forgot to get a picture before Joe dug into it:):) We will get another meal, probably lunch from this. If you try it please let me know!!!
I will be sharing here:
Dixie Delights - Share Your Style
Our Home Away From Home - Tuesday at Our Home
The Dedicated House - Make it Pretty Monday
Savvy Southern Style - WOW Us Wednesday
DIY By Design - Fall Into Fall


  1. Wow! That looks great! I haven't tried out that sauce. I am going to have to look for it next time I go shopping.

  2. That looks super delicious and so easy to make. Thank you for sharing your recipe. It will be our dinner for Saturday!

  3. Looks delicious, Pinky. I bet your neighbors enjoyed it, too.

  4. This looks a lot easier than some versions I have made. I will have to give it a try because this also looks so good.

  5. Looks delicious and I love the easy aspect!!

  6. Pinky,
    Like you, I usually make my own sauce,
    but since this one is made with Sausage, I'll give it a try!!!
    As an adopted child, my family never allowed me to embrace my Italian Roots!!!
    It is the one thing I plan to investigate in the near future!!!
    Thanks for sharing this Italian dish!!!

  7. That looks delicious and definitely easy enough! Yum!

  8. Looks so yummy! I love making pasta bakes :-)


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky