
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Reveal! The Dish Room!

I can not believe we have been here 5 years and I have not shared my "dish room"!!! I was so excited when we were building this house that I would have an area to use for storage of all things related to tables. I keep dishes, glasses, flatware, votives, napkin rings, etc., etc. here. I have it all in sections: Fall, Christmas, Easter, Spring, etc. So here we go. I took these picture back in the Spring and haven't shared this til now. When you open the door and look to the left this is what you see.
 I even vacumed for you! We had pieces of carpet left over so Joe put this in here for me. It is wonderful to not have to be on the concrete.
 This section is some of the Christmas section. I am purging this area as we speak:)
 More Christmas
 Then next section is Fall. The doorway to the right is the area under the stairs so Joe put clothes rods in there for coats etc.
 These book cases were in the old house so I kept them to use in here.
 We bought these shelves at Lowes right after we moved in. All this was in boxes that were piled in here so I was anxious to get it all unpacked. This section is summer things and then we get to
 After that I grouped black and white, blue, and green dishes, glasses etc.
 Up on the top  are extra things that by now I have gotten rid of some of it. I will share again after the holidays as I am packing things to give away. I was going to participate in our community garage sale this Fall but I was watching our granddaughter so that didn't happen. The things I am getting rid of will go to Goodwill.

 I had several of these wire shelves and bought a few more.

So, that's my dish room. I WISH I had a LARGE pantry in the kitchen where I could just keep all the current season up there but.... So I go up and down the stairs and hope it keeps me in shape;):)
On another note, I have started decorating for Christmas! I know it is very early but I wanted to have a good head start and be able to enjoy it for awhile! I am anxious to start sharing it with you all!
Have a beautiful day and thanks so much for stopping by!
XO, Pinky

I will be sharing here:

Metamorphosis Monday,

Wow Us WednesdaysFeathered Nest Friday

 Foodie Friday and Everything Else Link Party

Share Your Style

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday

The Dedicated House – Make it Pretty Monday


Savvy Southern Style - Wow Us Wednesdays 

Katherine @ Katherines Corner for Favorite Things Thursday Hop
Between Naps on the Porch – Tablescape Thursday


  1. Oh wow, I love this room, what a fabulous space and you are so organized.

  2. Wow, Pinky - You clearly have the 'china gene.' I have it also, but it is certainly fun. You will make the goodwill shoppers happy with your donations.

    I am decorating for Christmas also. I like to have it done prior to Thanksgiving and then it can be enjoyed. The season always seems so short.

    Great post - have a great day!

  3. Love your dish room! When we lived in our previous house, there was a guest room right off the kitchen we didn't need, so I made it my pantry/dish room. Here is a link if you want to see it.

  4. Wow! You are so organized! What a wonderful way to store for the different seasons and holidays. I struggle with this and often end up giving decor away to Goodwill because I am not sure where to store it. Inspired!

    1. I am so glad I inspired you! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you will come back again!

  5. That is an amazing dish room! It is SO neat and organized!

  6. Your organization floors me! How inspiring!

    Jane x

  7. You're so organized Pinky and have such a GREAT space to store all your dishes and accessories! Going up and down those stairs will keep your in shape and young. ♥

  8. How wonderful! Your 'stash' room looks very similar to mine as I have all the same shelving units and mine is in the basement as well. We must have the best husbands to build us shelves and put up with us taking up so much space - my hubby has just hung dowel rods downstairs for me to hang all my tablecloths on and I can't wait to get those organized. Excited to see your Christmas decorating - I'm going to start this weekend.

  9. I’m so green with envy right now that The Grinch, Kermit the Frog, and the Geico Gekko all pale by comparison!!!!!

  10. Wow, a dish room, how awesome its that? A great place to store away your treasure by season. Thanks for sharing your perfect space. xo

  11. have a dish room!!!!....How great is that!! Love it Pinky!!!...Envious for sure!

  12. What I wouldn't give for a "Dish Room". I will just have to work on that.

  13. Beautiful, perfectly organized dish room! What a lovely assortment to pick from with each season. Thank you so much for sharing at Party in Your PJ's!


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky