
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Where have I Been??? And Some Vignettes!

Good morning. I have not posted in awhile because of life's ups and downs. We had to make an emergency trip to Fl. because a loved one's cancer came back and they needed surgery to save their life. I can not be more specific, at their request but we packed and left and drove for 3 days to get to Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. It was a very emotional 11 days til we got home again. I am happy to say that it was an intense surgery but things are looking up.
So, I have not done much around here so I thought I would just share some vignettes around the house. Since I got my shells out not much has changed so here are a few pics for you. We'll start by the front door.
 This is my tiny server in the dining room.
 This is the space between our 2 offices.
 You've seen this many times.
 The credenza as it is decorated right now.

 Next to the credenza.

 My shells on the coffee table.
 Some shells on the corner table.

 My nightstand.

 Master bath.
 Master sitting area,
 In my office.
 On top of my desk hutch.

Thanks for stopping by. The summer is flying by!!! We are in another heat wave. I walk every night after dinner and tonight it was still 87 degrees at 7:30 but felt like 95!!!!!!!!! UGH. I hope to spend most of tomorrow at the pool, actually IN the pool:):)
XO, Pinky

I will share here:

Metamorphosis MondayThe ScoopWow Us Wednesdays,
 Tablescape ThursdayFeathered Nest Friday


  1. Your home is always beautiful. Glad you're home and maybe can relax a bit.

  2. Love all your little vignettes that you do throughout your house. I will be saying prayers for your loved one. Cancer sucks!

  3. Sorry your relative has had this issue and I pray that this surgery will make the difference! Your home always looks beautiful and I’m sure you were so happy to get back to it!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Helen Alex Murray is a Vancouver based abstract artist painting out of the East Side Studios. Helen started painting at the Shadbolt Centre in Burnaby, BC, in her youth and was chosen to join the ranks in their selected Young Artists program where she participated in small group showings and solo exhibits. Helen then moved to Toronto to attend Ryerson University until her graduation when she came back home to Vancouver to be inspired by the ocean and mountains of the west coast. Helen now paints professionally, her work motivated by the overlap of feelings and mood through movement and layer of colour. Her paintings resize overwhelming and complicated moments into manageable bursts of expression. The expanse of colour and shapes is often contrasted by a bed of white, using glossy metallic and mother of pearl elements to finish the images. Let her paintings chase the shadows and trace the light in your life.

  6. Beautiful vignettes as always Pinky....thoughts and prayers are still with your loved one.

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Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky