
Sunday, September 18, 2011

~~~Mildred's Strawberry Bread!!!~~~

Good Sunday evening! I wanted to share this GREAT recipe with you all, I hope you will try it. It was made for me by my friend when I went to Avalon this past week. It is the recipe of an 84 year old friend of HERS, and let me tell you it is GOOD! This is all that is left of it and I am TRYING to not eat all of this in one sitting:):) I will join Yvonne for On The Menu Monday and Beverly at Pink Saturday later in the week.  Please go and join these parties and get some wonderful recipes and inspiration!!!!!!
 I did place the bread on a PINK flowered plate!
 I think you can see the pieces of strawberry in the bread. It is moist and lucsious!!!

 Let's dig in!!!
Here is the recipe
4 eggs
1 1/4 cups salad oil
3 cups flour
2 cups sugar
3 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
handful craisins (optional)
1 1/2 pints or more fresh strawberries, cleaned, hulled and cut up (you can use frozen, about 2 pkgs.)
In medium bowl stir strawberries, eggs and oil. In large bowl, combine all other ingredients. Add strawberry mixture to dry ingredients, stir well til blended. Place in 2 8by4" loaf pans. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees until toothpick comes out clean. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Pinky,
    This looks like a true "keeper" recipe! Thanks for sharing this with all of us in Blog Land! Have a wonderful week, dear friend!

  2. Oh yum, this recipe looks and sounds delicious!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi my very sweet friend!!!! I love visiting your blog because I can read your posts with your voice in my head (did you get that?)... and feel like you are visiting.
    This is a must try recipe. Since strawberries are an almost all year round fruit and frozen ones can be used also in this recipe... this is a winner. It looks fabulous!
    Thanks for joining me for ON THE MENU MONDAY with this sweet treat!
    See you Thursday! YEA!
    xo Yvonne

  4. The bread looks very tasty and soft, I lake it!

    HAve a nice day dear Pinky, kisses:)

  5. Pinky,
    Thanks for sharing this recipe. The strawberry bread looks delicious, and I love the pretty plate it's sitting on, too!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  6. Oh Boy, I can't wait to try this one. I love recipes from the older generation.

  7. Hi Pinky, the bread looks so delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love to bake and will try this.

    Love the pretty plate, too.

    Hugs, Barb

  8. Your Strawberry Bread looks so delicious. Thanks for sharing and hope you are having a great day!
    Miz Helen

  9. Yum! Your strawberry bread looks delicious, and so very moist. Thank you for sharing it!


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky