
Monday, September 19, 2011

~~~Nature's Bounty Centerpiece~~~

Fall seems to be peeking around the corner here in Pa. We have had several days of cool weather, highs in the 60's! Definitely a TASTE of Fall in the air! Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. These beautiful, sunnydays with clear blue skies and just a hint of coolness. LOOOOOVE it! On Saturday I made 4 new arrangements for my house for Fall! This is the one I made for the kitchen table. I decided to do something different in several spots around the house this year. I used a low basket, and also did an arrangement in an urn. That is on the left here. It is filled with hydrangeas from my yard, some pumpkin and gourd picks, sunflowers, berries and fall leaves! I also used ONE of several large faux acorns I bought at Pier One recently.
 Into the basket I also placed my ceramic yellow gourd, a faux kale, a LARGE pinecone thingy, some dried artichokes, and leaves.
 Isn't this beautiful!!! I love that it won't get all mushy and horrible but stay beautiful for years to come!

 The white acorn from Pier One. I love acorns for Fall decorating!
 I am coming around the arrangement so you can see all sides.
 Can you see the urn that the arrangement is in? It is a very dark brown.
 I also just simply placed a bush of faux dalias in the basket too. The colors are so pretty!
 This plaid runner is VERY old but I love the texture of it and how the brown placemats go so nicely. I will show you in later posts that I change out placemats VERY frequently here. I use printed pumpkin ones, leaf printed ones etc. Right now I am LOVING the brown and green (of my dishes) combination! These 2 votive holders, I recently got for $1.99 each!!!!!!!! They are metal with leaves and I loved them!

 The sun is pouring in the windows this morning. Another beautiful Fall day!!
 Here is a close up of the votive holder. I also placed an amber one inside I can use them with the amber or just the clear glas insert.
I will be sharing the other arrangements I created later on. I hope you like this one! Fall is such a special time, nature in it's glory. The colors of Fall are MY colors! I have always gravitated towards rusts, golds, browns etc. Have a wonderful day everyone. Stop and take in the beauty all around you! XO, Pinky I am joining Susan at Metamorphis Monday at I am also joining Kim for Wow Us Wed. at 


  1. Pinky just beautiful.I love all the fall colors.


  2. Your arrangements are great . The colors fit so right together . I love fall and all the colors .

  3. Very pretty Pinky! I love Fall, and I love the colors in that arrangement.

  4. Your centerpiece is beautiful Pinky!

    Enjoy your day,

  5. Your arrangement is just beautiful!!!! Fall is my favorite time of year. Today, it is cool here, raining off and on, and the perfect weather for decorating for fall.

  6. Your arrangement is absolutely beautiful. You really know what you are doing. I just can't seem to get the knack of arranging flowers. Lovely job, and I love that you will have it for a long time!

  7. Very nice! I cannot wait to see the rest. I really like how this arrangement has several colors, especially the purple! It looks very pretty on your table!

  8. Hi lovely lady.
    Your flower arrangement is Beautiful pinky. You did a great job putting it together like always. I hope you have a great week.
    XXOO Diane

  9. What pretty fall flower arrangements! I'm motivated to do some fall decorating now! Thanks for your sweet comments!

  10. What a beautiful arrangement. I really like the faux but don't think I've ever seen one. Do you mind sharing where you found it?

  11. Very beautifully you arranged it Pinky... Autumn colours are always so good and you arranged the variety of colours very artistically....
    Visit me if you can

  12. Fantastic fall post! Love those warm autumn colours. Stunning arrangements.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  13. Your arrangement turned out great! I especially love the cabbage piece. I have some of those and usually bring them out in the Fall too.

  14. Pinky,
    I'm loving all the natural elements in this centerpiece! Lovely! Thank you for sharing!!!

  15. Pinky-wish you lived in northern Colorado and I could take arranging classes from you! This is the prettiest I've seen. Love your site and look forward to more photos and postings!

  16. Pinky, your centerpiece is lovely. You have done a wonderful job. The colors are just luscious.

    Barb ♥

  17. Oh how I love your beautiful centerpiece!!!!!

  18. Hi Pinky~ I love your many wonderful elements, textures & colors! Fall is my favorite time of year too~ I have so much more energy!

  19. Pinky, This arrangement is GORGEOUS! I love that you used an ornamental cabbage and artichokes~ 2 of my favorites! Of course it is perfect, you are a designer! The talent you have is impressive! Love that you tucked in your own hydrangeas!
    I took away so many great idea! Someday might I twist you arm for a lesson or two?
    Beautiful, dear friend!
    Love, Yvonne

  20. It looks beautiful!


  21. Come on fall!! So jealous of your cool temps. Love the Fall feel of your centerpiece.

  22. Pinky, your autumn arrangement is simply stunning! I love your choices. I am a new blogger and your latest follower. I hope you will follow back! Many blessings to you!

  23. Your centerpiece is absolutely stunning. I love that you used some veggies, gourds and all kinds of things in the arrangement. So pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  24. GORGEOUS! That is some arrangement. Where on earth did you find a ceramic gourd? I like that runner, too. You are so right when you said that you just can't find things like this any more. I have a large supply of placemats that are gradually showing their age and I can't find anything of the quality of my old favorites. Beautiful arrangement and it looks gorgeous as a part of your tablescape.

  25. It is beautiful! You are Good girl!
    Love the runner too,Thanks for sharing,JoAnn


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky