
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Dinner, 20102

 Good Easter Evening my dear friends!!!! I hope your Easter Sunday was sunny and bright and you were surrounded by family and friends and FUN!!! We had my daughter's in-laws and had a wonderful time all together. I didn't get any pictures of the family but the baby is getting BIG and he is so stinkin CUTE!!!!! He will be 2 in July. This was a bittersweet dinner as it was the last holiday dinner we will have here at this house......after 28 years!!!! Hard to wrap my head around yet. But, on to our dinner. I moved away from the all pastel hues of last weeks table to a more subtle and organic look for today. An Easter green tablecloth started off the elements.
 I placed my egg wreath in the center of the table, placed a clear glass cake holder in the middle of that then my straw bunny on that!
 He is so cute!
 I loved the look of the moss on the wreath with his straw body. Do you see the carrots in his basket?
 Onto the tablecloth I used my wicker type chargers, that remnd me of an Easter bonnet, then a square cream dinner plate, an Easter green plate, a cream with brown band salad plate, then an egg shaped plate for the GOODIES!!!
 I used my well loved brown bamboo flatware, it brings out the brown on the edge of the egg plate and the brown edged salad plate.
 Green pillars work well on this table.
 Here you can see the design on the tablecloth.
 Here is a shot of the whole table.
 I found these cute little boxes at CTS a few months ago and knew they would be a perfect "take home gift" for our guests!!!! I love to have a little something for everyone.

 My sweet ceramic bunnies didn't want to be left out of the celebration!

 They look like they were foil wrapped and someone started to unwrap them:)
 Looks good enough to eat, huh?

 My daughter bought everyone a Hersheys bunny because they are her very FAVORITE!!!!
 Thanks, Tracy!!!!

 Here is the ham right before it went into the oven. It was SO good.

 I used paper napkins tonight since I knew dinner would be pretty messy, and we had the baby at the table too:):)
Easter blessings to you all!!!! I will link to these fun parties this week:
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Motivated Monday at Be Colorful
Making the World Cuter Monday at Making the World Cuter
More the Merrier Monday at DIY Home Sweet Home Project
Savvy Homemade Monday at Home Savvy A to Z
Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tutorials and Tips Tuesday at Home Stories A to Z
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style
It's A Party on Thursday at A Creative Princess
Show and Share on Thursday at Southern Lovely
Open House Party Thursday at No Minimalist Here
Share Your Creations on Thursday at Kristen's Creations
Remodelaholic's Anonymous on Friday at Remodelaholic
Addicts (not so) Anonymous on Friday at Addicted 2 Decorating
Inspiration Friday at At the Picket Fence
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Potpourri Friday at 2805
Saturday Nite Special at Funky Junk Interiors
Sew Darn Crafty Sunday at
Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and Dreaming
Paula and Patti at Ivy and Elephants for What's It Wednesday

Have a beautiful week everyone. XO, Pinky


  1. I just LOVE your Easter table. That table cloth is so pretty, your straw bunny is adorable and I love your little favor boxes...they look like real chocolate!

  2. Pinky!! You outdid yourself with the decor and the ham! My day wasn't quite so successful... you'll have to pop by my blog later to see what I mean ;)

  3. Hello Pinky... Its a lovely table and specially love your egg wreath so much, what a unique idea such different decor it is so so lovely... Thanks a lot for sharing your creativity...
    Hope you will enjoy a visit to see beauty of spring @
    With love

  4. Beautiful Pinky and I love the natural elements and colors you used. I bet everyone had a wonderful time!

    Art by Karena

  5. Pinky, your table is beautiful, and that ham looks absolutely delish!!! Wow, how exciting for you...a new home! You will be so busy, but a good busy! :)

  6. Beautiful Easter table. Certainly love the colors especially with the lovely wreath and bunny in the center! xo marlis

  7. Pinky, I hope you had a fun and blessed day with family! Such a lovely table. What a great tablecloth! Very very pretty. I also would have loved to be at your table to meet everyone,eat that great looking ham and get to take home a sweet box!!!
    How does later in the week look for getting together? Thursday after Bible Study or Friday?
    xo Yvonne

  8. Pinky, your table is so festive, love the colors you used. Finding the little boxes gave you are great jumping off point!! I am sure all who sat around your table had a wonderful time,

  9. Hey there Pinky...I must say that I am in love with your tablecloth...Your table is set so beautifully with those ever so cute bunnies!!...

  10. Pinky,
    Your centerpiece bunny just stole my heart...his EARS are so adorable!!! Bunnies are multiplying on your table...but the subtle nature hues make this such a tranquil festive tablescape! Although it will not be easy to say memories will be made in the new home! Your love for each other and family will make the new home a very special place, indeed!

  11. Pinky: Lovely set table and great bunny guest packages. I bet everyone had a good time and that ham looks delectable..Happy Monday..Judy

  12. Gorgeous!!!! I love how you even decorated your ham. Such a lovely site, Pinky. :-)

  13. Your table looked so pretty, Pinky!! I love that bunny as your centerpiece on the cake pedestal with the egg wreath around....adorable. Your ham looked so good too. Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter.

  14. Beautiful, thank you for sharing your happy Easter table . xo p.s. leaving a comment from my other blog today

  15. What a great table! Every holiday I say we're going to use the china & every holiday we ended up with paper plates. It's just so easy! This year we ate outside.

  16. Love your tabelscape. The eggwreath with the bunny in the center is gorgeous. Such a cute bunny, I havn't seen one like that before. I also love the egg dishes. Tooooooooo cute. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  17. Thanks for sharing this lovely tablescape for Easter. Love your egg wreath, all of your creativity is outstanding.

  18. Lovely table, Pinky! The tablecloth is so pretty! I bought those Hershey bunnies too for the goodie bags. I think those take home boxes are cute!

    You will love your new place, you won't even think about your old house. We lived in our old house 27 yrs., and I don't miss it a bit!

  19. Your table was beautiful, fun & totally charming, all wrapped up together! Yep, you could have fooled me with those little bunnies atop the cute boxes -- absolutely looked good enough to eat!

  20. Your Easter table setting was just charming! I know it felt strange to know that this is the last big family gathering in that home, but there will be more in your new home. You can take comfort in that. Spring and Easter are symbollic of new beginnings and that is what your Easter dinner was too!

  21. Hi Pinky...

    It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter, dear friend! Ours was very quiet...just Russell and me.

    Ohhh certainly did create a beautiful Easter table for you family! I love your egg wreath and straw bunny centerpiece...sooo pretty! I loved all of your sweet bunnies! Such pretty place settings too! Thank you for sharing your beautiful Easter with us, sweet lady!

    I hope that my note is finding you well! I guess I am a bit behind...are you moving?

    Warmest spring wishes!
    Love ya,

  22. Cute the egg wreath!

  23. What a fun Easter table. I think your details are adorable. Love the little chocolate rabbit boxes. ~ sarah

  24. What a beautiful, beautiful Easter table! My goodness; I want to have Easter dinner with you! I'm sure you'll make it special even if you're not in your long-time home. . . but how poignant this dinner must have been!

    Thanks so much for joining Grace at Home! I really appreciate it.

  25. Love that center piece! Love the egg colors too.

  26. Though I missed your easter table this year but I want to give my complement on what you did here! I love how you put all things together. Such a very clever work!

    Damask Tablecloths


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky