
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!!!!!

 Good Thursday afternoon my friends! Spring has SPRUNG around here and I am so happy about that! I am also in a nostalgic mood as I keep thinking, " this is the last Spring we will be here", in this house. After 28 years it is a little bittersweet. BUT, I so look forward to our new home and the next chapter in our lives. Today I snapped some shots around the yard of some things that are blooming. The pink azaleas are bursting open. We have about 30 azalea bushes around the property and even more rhododendrons!!! Spring is very colorful here in this corner of Pa.!!!! This next shot is one of the 4 weeping Japanese Maples. They started out as tiny little trees and I wish I could take them with me.....

 This is a pink dogwood. It didn't bloom much at all last year so I am thrilled with all these blooms!
 The waterfall in the pond is going. I love the sound.
 Here are some pink and white bleeding hearts.
 Another shot of the pond. We haven't mulched yet, it will look so much better after that is done!

 The little blue flowers are ajuga: a ground cover! They are covering everything:):)
 My 2 tulips that miraculously have escaped the deer!!!
 A pink azalea and a pirus japonica bush.
 Now here is a weird occurance: these hostas have popped right up. They are on this side of the driveway......we have 2 "islands" on each side of the driveway....
 And here is the other side....not nearly as far up. Very strange in that they are 10 feet apart!!!
 A shot of the house for posterity....I will be taking alot in the next few months, I am sure. Please excuse the dumpster. Joe and I got ALOT of stuff in it today.
 One of the dogoods on one of the islands.
 A shot from up the street a bit: those huge, 50 foot cherry trees, we planted when they were about 8-10 feet tall:):)

 The grass on the one side that Joe planted AGAIN last year is doing really well!!! It has always been an issue. NATURALLY as soon as we are ready to leave it will look nice;):)
 Here was the dumpster this morning, empty.
 You should see it now. More pics to come..... Thanks so much for stopping by. Happy Spring everyone. This time of growth and new beginnings is my favorite time of the year. XO, Pinky


  1. Pinky, what beautiful images! Your landscape is lovely!! Are you going to take any of your plants with you to your new place?

  2. Beautiful Pinky~ I know it is bittersweet leaving behind all those established & mature plants! Hopefully someone will appreciate the fact that they are going to reap the benefit of all your hard work & landscaping TLC :)

  3. Wow Pinky! Your flowers are out MUCH more than mine! I'm glad to have that to look forward to though :)

  4. Everything looks just beautiful...I've always loved your yard in the spring. I really love those weeping Japanese Maples!

  5. Pinky: I'm fairly new to your blog so don't know the story of your moving, but I certainly can see how you would miss your garden. It's absolutely beautiful. Mine here in northern California is not doing much of anything yet. Our dogwood trees around the neighborhood haven't even bloomed yet.. Happy Friday..Judy

  6. This made me so happy, but also filled with with bittersweet feelings because I know that you are going to have to say goodbye. Every leaf and every tree will live on in your memory and I am so happy that you have chosen just the right time in your lives to make this move. In your honor, I have resurrected my Cherry Hill blog series. I gave up on it, and myself, too soon - even though you kept on encouraging me to continue. Your move reminded me that I need to move... forward. So thank you, and happy spring my dear friend1

  7. Spring is my favorite season too. Wow, your yard is gorgeous!,,,,

    I remember the feeling of moving from our home....a mixture of feelings...

    Beautiful flowers!!!!!

  8. So pretty! My azaleas bloomed about a month ago & I miss all the gorgeous flowers!

  9. Its all so pretty Pinky. I wish I had woods closer to the house. mine's an acre away..

  10. This is beautiful Pinky. Will you have this much ground with your new place?

    Jim's hosta all came on about the same time. They are enjoying the rain we are having today.

  11. I love looking at flowers, trees and bushes in bloom. I took a lot of pictures of my yard this week too. 5 years ago when we moved, I was sad to leave all of my plants that I had planted. I still wonder how they are doing. When you work so hard to create a landscape you really feel invested in it.
    When is your move?

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  12. So, this is the home you're leaving? Gorgeous!! Looking forward to the moving adventure with you. xoxo

  13. Pinky...I love your is this the house you are leaving soon?...The property is gorgeous...
    I love your hostas...I cannot have any here as the deer love them...

  14. Such a beautiful place! I bet you are feeling very nostalgic!- I now I would! All your plants look beautiful and the dumpster is a lovely addition! Lol!! I think you should pop a few small plants in some pots and take them along with you to the new place- then you can have a small piece of your old place with you! Enjoy your lovely spring!

  15. Omygoodness...what beautiful blooms.

  16. You have such a wonderful wooded lot! I would love to have such a private yard like that. Gosh, your azaleas are huge! We have a few, but none that size. I really love your pond! Would love to have one. Our dog would probably try to drink from it all the time though. I know it's alot of work to keep up a yard that size, but it sure is nice to have all of that space.

  17. Beautiful wooded yard.I know what you mean about moving. This is my first full year in this new house.I miss my old one.We are debating on building another one this year.It is so much work,but you get what you want. Cant wait to see the new one.You have such good style.Joann

  18. I think your closing
    words about growth
    and new beginnings
    says it all....You are
    beginning your very
    own new chapter and
    as bittersweet as leaving
    one place behind is,
    it is also exciting to
    land someplace new!
    Good luck with it all!

    xo Suzanne

    PS: Love the dogwood
    and azaleas. Don't see
    much of them here in

  19. Thank you for taking us on a walk through your yard at Show & Tell. Love seeing all of the foliage and flowers in bloom. Always pretty to look at.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  20. Hi Pinky, I have moved several times and I think I know how you feel--seeing things differently! Your plants are beautiful but will still live on and now you will have a new place to start with! Our trees and flowers are a few weeks behind yours--azaleas just beginning to show some bud color, but no dogwoods yet. My favorite pink dogwood was lost to the bad weather last October. Happy Earth Day! Linda

  21. Pinky, your yard is heavenly. Love the bleeding hearts. It will be so sad to leave behind your lovely plants you have taken care of. There are always new beginnings, so I am wishing you great promise on the new residence. thanks for visiting Pinky and try to enjoy the move.

  22. I bet autumn is every bit as lovely! Love the spring colors.

  23. I watermark my pictures in picasa where I download all my pictures,,thats where I fix the light and crop some...very user friendly...let me know if you are interested in learning...thanks...phyllis

  24. I watermark my pictures in picasa where I download all my pictures,,thats where I fix the light and crop some...very user friendly...let me know if you are interested in learning...thanks...phyllis

  25. I have been reading through all the comments on your blog and I love your stories! You are so authentic and real! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!


  26. Wow, it all looks so serene. I'd love to sit by that pond to write!

  27. Beautiful!!! I love it, I love when the colors start coming out from a long winter. I just started following from a Thursday blog hop. Feel free to follow me back at

  28. Absolutely lovely photos.You live in a beautiful area and your landscaping is gorgeous. xo Thank you for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things hop I hope you have a weekend filled with happy!

  29. Pinky, I'm sitting here admiring your gorgeous Japanese maple. The squirrels totally destroyed ours limb by limb. It was a focal point in our garden with its fire red leaves and graceful shape. Your garden is lovely. I know you will miss it. Hopefully someone will appreciate it and continue to nurture it as you have done.

  30. I love all the pinks. I'm sure they'll be missed but other wonderful things will replace them in your life. Coming over from Favorites on the First.

  31. Your garden is so pretty! I think your weeping Japanese maple tree is *to die for*

    Linking from The Polo House,
    Ricki Jill

  32. Such a pretty yard; I am sure you will miss it. Seeing this post now, in June, takes me back to springtime!


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky