Tuesday, April 24, 2012

~~~The Dismantling of the Train Room!!!~~~

HI everyone! I am sorry I haven't posted in awhile, we have been BUSY getting this house ready to SELL!!! I wanted to show you the TRAIN room, that is now dismantled. I will show you the process, but I forgot to take pictures before we started so I have to give you this link. Please go look at the pictures here then you can come back and see the dismantling. Hope that makes sense!!!! Here is the link:

Ok, looked pretty neat, huh? Joe created that room (I helped a little) many years ago. It was alot of fun to share it at our annual open house at Christmas and with friends grandchildren. The adults enjoyed it too!!!! So here we go with the dismantling.
 We had started taking some of the train cars off the board at this point. And all the Dept. 56 pieces are off and packed.
 All of the "snow" and cedars had to be vacummed up.

 Joe also had extra cars on these special shelves around the room.
 Joe's brother found this OLD train sign in Michigan. You can see that people had used it for target practice, notice the dents in it? The newer signs are an X rather than a cross like this.
 Some os the cars, packed in their boxes. All of the boxes then got packed in pplastic bins.....20 of them!

 Aren't the tunnels neat?

 Making big progress!
 Poor Joe had to remove hundreds of screws from the board.

 1/2 of the board is gone.

 The secong half is empty and being vacummed.
 IT'S DONE!!!!!! Now we have to paint the room and clean the carpet.
 It is so hard to believe this room is empty, it hasn't looked like this in many years......

 This is Joe's favorite picture that was in the room.
He will have a MUCH bigger space to put the trains up in the new house but we know it will be awhile, we will have other priorities first:) I know this is kinda a backwards "metamorphisis" but I will join some of these parties:
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Motivated Monday at Be Colorful
Making the World Cuter Monday at Making the World Cuter
More the Merrier Monday at DIY Home Sweet Home Project
Savvy Homemade Monday at Home Savvy A to Z
Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tutorials and Tips Tuesday at Home Stories A to Z
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style
It's A Party on Thursday at A Creative Princess
Show and Share on Thursday at Southern Lovely
Open House Party Thursday at No Minimalist Here
Share Your Creations on Thursday at Kristen's Creations
Remodelaholic's Anonymous on Friday at Remodelaholic
Addicts (not so) Anonymous on Friday at Addicted 2 Decorating
Inspiration Friday at At the Picket Fence
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Potpourri Friday at 2805
Saturday Nite Special at Funky Junk Interiors
Sew Darn Crafty Sunday at http://sewmanyways.blogspot.com/
Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and Dreaming
Paula and Patti at Ivy and Elephants for What's It Wednesday

I hope I didn't bore you to DEATH with this. I just wanted to take you along on this journey of moving. I promise to share some PRETTY pictures this week. I promise!!! Thanks so much for hanging in there with me. You are all the best!!!!!
XO, Pinky


  1. All I have to say is OMG. I'm glad it wasn't me Pinky. That is a passion for sure.
    Glad it's all done too. Let's paint.

  2. That was quite a job...I can't believe all the boxes!
    It was such a neat layout...I can't wait to see the new one!

  3. Hi Pinky: What a job!!! I'm tired just thinking about it, but WOW what an impressive collection of trains. I love trains. We used to have a restaurant in town called the Railroad Cafe and they had a track overhead and you could sit for hours sipping coffee, or eating breakfast and watching and hearing those trains. It was quite an attraction. But as usual most good things come and go, so it is no more..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  4. Oh my Pinky that was a huge job! I remember your post on it before and it was very nicely detsiled! I hope you've gotten the biggest jobs done now with the gym and train room!

  5. I'm glad to hear that he will have an even bigger room in your future home! What a neat thing to share. The work that went into it was worth all of the ooo's & aww's. Of course, taking it apart- that's work too!

  6. Wow, that's alot of work. The collection is awesome. It will be a big relief when you are all finished. Thanks for visiting Pinky.

  7. I'm so relieved he'll be putting them up in the new house. I was feeling sad as you dismantled...

  8. Pinky, I love, love, love trains! I know it will be even better at your new home with even more space to play. How exciting! That was a huge job, dismantling it after all these years.

  9. Wow, what a transformation. I was just going to ask if you would put it up in the new house, but you already answered that. That was so much work, how long did all of that take? I hope you don't have much more to do.

  10. Pinky...what a wonderful display and collection!...
    My next door neighbor is a mega train collector...
    His train room was recently on a "national tour"...many people flocked to his house to see his display...
    Hey, maybe they know each other...I am sure the train collector's community is a tight one!!

    What a job dismantling the collection!

    Have a great day and don't work too hard!

  11. WOW! I can't imagine the work that goes into setting it up & taking it down.

  12. Pinky, That was a big job and a lot of boxes! It was good to read that you will have it again in your new home. That, too, will be a big job to assemble! Have a great Thursday!

  13. Thanks for stopping by and for the advice about taking off WV. I love bloggers who can help each other with advice and have fresh eyes on a website. Thanks so much!

  14. Hi Pinky,
    All I can say is better you than me!!! That's a lot of work, but what an amazing room! I'm glad to know that it is going to be in the new house, but even bigger and better! The ultimate man cave!!!

  15. Oh Pinky you are working so hard! So fun though and exciting as you have a lot to look forward to.

  16. WOW, WOW!! What a splendid job you guys made dismantling the train collection!! Can't wait to see your new house and the train collection as well. We had a train passing by the back of our house in the country, where we lived 18 years ago, my small girls and us just loved to hear the sound of it passing by. Great memories! Hugs,

  17. Oh I'm going to check your tablecloth in a C'mas post of yours. My Mil bought hers in Italy in 1950 when she and my Fil went on a European tour. Enjoy your weekend and don't work so hard!

  18. Hi Pinky, Selling a home is a lot of hard work. I wish you a fast and profitable sale.
    Hugs, Sherry

  19. Wow, what a tremendous job. Can't wait to see your new home .

  20. I bet that took some work getting all of that packed away! He had an amazing set-up for sure. I'm sure he will have fun setting it all back up in your new house.

  21. Wow, that's a lot of work. I wouldn 't want to have to reassemble that!

  22. Hi darling... Oh my goodness.. 20 bins of trains..a man and his toys.. lol.. loved the shot of him standing in the middle with the vac.. alot of work but well worth it. I can only imagine what the new room will look like.. hugs ~lynne~

  23. OH, good heavens, Pinky!!! Between the clearing of the attic & garage spaces and dismantling this room, you guys should be pooped beyond repair at this point!!! This is a LOT of doing!!!! I know the pain of moving after years of accumulating, so I don't envy that part. I am just happy that you will be moving on to something you like even more! The size of you guys' trees (from The Dumpster post) is amazing!!! Those things have to be Jack & the Beanstalk high!!!!!! Sorry about the septic system, too. That really sucks. You deserve a break, and I hope you get one soon!!!

  24. Wow, Pinky! That must have been such a chore but it looks like it would have been fun. What an amazing train collection he has! My husband is a member of the board of our historic Railroad Museum here and they are getting the museum all back. They are building the rooms now for the model displays so much like your hubbys. Oh, how fun it must be to see it all going. I'm sure he'll love his bigger space. Now don't work too hard getting it all together.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Wow, what a wonderful room! My toddler son would love it!

  26. Isn't that just the dream room?!!

    I know it is so much work, but you will so enjoy your new home. I have to say one of my favorite shots is the room almost empty - that gave me the full emotion of moving. We used to move every two years when we were first married - to get ahead - and now we have been here for 20 years and I have every nook and cranny stuffed. A move would be good for me just to dejunk!

  27. I'm so impressed with your train room! We have one too, but it's MUCH smaller and never seems to get done. I have a border up that matches one of the trains from my husband's childhood collection. I tried to convince my son and husband to let me take it down so I could use the space for dish storage - particularly since the train set up is not finished and therefore NEVER gets used. No go. It's exciting to hear that your husband will have even more room for his next train room.

    - The Tablescaper

  28. Wow! That was a Train ROOM!! I cannot imagine all the work it went into dismantling it! My son would love to call it his room!

  29. Oh Pinky...what a monumental task! I would have be derailed (pun intended :) at just the THOUGHT of dismantling and packing it all up! I know you'll enjoy more room for it in your new home!

  30. Wow! That is some layout. I remember my dad having something similar when I was a little girl. Glad it's dismantled and ready for its new and improved location.


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky

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