Good morning dear friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got LOTS of Christmas love (and gifts too, of course)!! We hosted Christmas Eve here at the new house so I wanted to share our table with you. Of course the best present I got was the PRESENCE of our son and my sister!!!! I wanted to use my tartan tablecloth but couldn't find it. Of course AFTER the table was done I found it but wasn't about to take it all apart. So, I used a red cloth, a gold charger, my Lenox Ribbons dishes and a package at each place setting.At least the napkins were my plaid ones:)

I made the centerpieces several years ago. They are a good height for conversation at the table. I got down to take the picture so you could see the container. Here is a little tutorial for those of you that might want to try something similiar. The deer are actually ornaments and after gluing the foam into the container I put glue on the back legs of the deer and pushed that into the foam in the center of the arrangeent. Then simply add Christmas picks and greens, pinecones or whatever you want around the edge. TA DA, simple but pretty arrangements!!! I used stems of greens and cut each piece apart. I also have a "pick machine" that adds a metal pick to whatever you have (a little florist secret).:)
I used my matching Lenox wine glasses and my red water goblets. The little tea light holders are beaded and a new find from Pier One this year.
I love these dishes, they are so pretty and don't scream Christmas. Holly, berries and ribbon along the edge and tiny little stars on the plates.
The napkin rings echo the stars on the plates.
Gold pillars next to each arrangement cast a beautiful glow on the table.
My gold flatware is brought out for these special occasions too. Thank you to my SIL, Janie who gave me this set. I love using it, Janie!!!
Let's light the candles!!!
It was SNOWING all during dinner!!!! We only got less than an inch but it was SO pretty to see the big flakes coming down all during dinner and after.
I am sorry I didn't get any shots of the FOOD!!! On the menu was chicken marsala, that everyone LOVED (something totally different this year), pierogies, assorted veggies, 2 different cranberry dishes and assorted cheesecakes for dessert!!!
A pretty shot through the glasses.
This is a better shot of the snowflakes.
I am TRULY blessed to have my family all together this year. Our family has gotten much smaller as we lose loved ones so it makes each gathering more precious. Christmas dinner was at our daughter and SIL's and I will share that with you too. Thank you for all of you love and support all through the year. I truly appreciate all your visits and sweet comments, they make my day. I will be joining these parties: