Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Surgery etc.

Good Morning sweet friends. I just wanted to touch base. My Joe had his hip replacement surgery yesterday (Monday) and he did great. But I will be camping at the hospital today and hopefully he will come home tomorrow afternoon. I will get back to blogging ASAP. Thanks so much for all your support, love and prayers. It is truky appreciated!!!!

XO, Pinky


  1. So glad your Hubby is doing fine. Have a wonderful day at his side.

  2. Glad to hear Hubby is doing well. Will he be going to an acute Rehab unit for PT afterward?


    1. Deb, he has been having PT in the hospital. They got him up THAT DAY. He is doing GREAT! He is coming home tomorrow and will have PT in the house for about a week then we will go to the PT place nearby. NO worries!!!! It is SOOOOO good to see him out of the pain!!!!

  3. Hi Pinky, So glad Joe came through his surgery safely and is doing well. ♥

  4. Glad that all went well and he has a great caretaker by his side!....Best wishes for a most speedy recovery for Joe!

  5. Pinky,
    Glad that Joe was able to come home today!!!
    I truly believe you heal better and faster in your own home!!!
    AND. . .I know he has "The Best Nurse" e v e r!!!
    Daily prayers continue during Joe's healing process, dear ones!!!


Thanks you for leaving your lovely comments. xo, Pinky

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