HI everyone! I am so in love with Spring! Mother Nature reminds us every year of her beauty and splendor. The earth comes alive again, right on cue and I am so grateful to have sight to see all this beauty. And the best part is, it is going to keep getting better!!!!!! SOME of the azaleas at our house are blooming. This red one is a favorite. Then the next one is such a pretty pink!

I planted begonias in the mailbox. Joe built this many years ago for us. Where the numbers are cut out there is a light so it is lit at night.
This is looking down our street. Our cherry trees are on the right here. We bought them many years ago and they were tiny, maybe 10 feet tall!!!!!! Now they are huge! I had to hurry though, the blooms are blowing off already! The white dogwood you see, Joe dug out of the woods when we built the house.
Close up of the dogwood blooms......gorgeous!!!!!!
Close up of the cherry blossoms.
A variegated hosta. We probably have over 100 hostas on our property, Joe keeps dividing them!
Close up of one of the azaleas. This color is gorgeous to me!
Cut leaf Japanese maple. We have 4 of these, 2 out front and 2 in the back.
One of the ones in the front of the house.
Some of the pansies. Love this variegated one.
Pretty blue.
Bleeding heart, SO pretty and evidently tastes good too:):)
One of the bleeding hearts at the top of the pond. This came up from seed!
ONE bud is blooming on this azalea, tomorrow many more will be blooming, I am sure.
White bleeding heart.
These are candleabra primroses. I will show you how they come up in LAYERS....just like a candleabra! We have many around the pond but only this one is starting to bloom.
The ferns, etc. are filling in around the pond.
Joe built this swing many years ago. Last year we restained it and did it EBONY with the seat a warm brown that matches the deck. I love the black!
This is a SWEET smelling viburnum. I have several blooms right here at my desk so I can enjoy the fragrance, it is heavenly!
The viburnum taken from up on the deck.
The hibiscus that we kept alive all winter (!!!) is blooming again!!!!!!!!! I love this!!!!!
Thanks so much for coming, I love to read ALL of your comments so be sure to let me know you were here!!!! XO, Pinky I am linking up with Kim at Savvy Sotern Style for Wow us Wed. at
http://www.savvysouthernstyle.blogspot.com/ Go on over to see some awe inspiring things!!!!